Monday, December 31, 2012

WoozChronicle Ch. 35

Hi Woozens!
Merry Woozmas and Happy New YearZ! I just love the holiday season, don’t you? X) I’ve been having so much fun, especially in Woozworld! Last week was all about Woozmas, with surprise visits by our very own SantaWooz (after you Woozens freed him in the Adventurz, of course!) And this week is all about New YearZ! Jay and Mya will each be hosting New YearZ Eve parties today (oh those two, such partiers! hehe), so we’re saving the What the Wooz?! show for tomorrow, the first day of 2013!
I hope you Woozens had great holidays, and collected all the amazing free gifts from the Advent Calendar! Woozmas is all about the spirit of giving, and you should see what I gave Max for his present. You Woozens know how Max loves technology, so I got him an awesome remote-controlled mini-helicopter! He loved it X) Max got me a bunch of adorable new baking equipment (like a pink spatula with a cute pig head on it! hehe) and some new books I’ve been waiting to read. He’s the best!
Besides enjoying all our new stuff this weekend, Max and I enjoyed time with our friends and families, which is the best part of the holiday season! I got to try out my new baking equipment on Sunday afternoon, when I had all the girls over for tea and cookies. Mya showed up looking as fabulous as ever in a new sweater! She’s been busy over the holiday break bringing new styles into Woozworld, as I’m sure you’ll all seen. I can’t wait to see what she unveils at her New YearZ party tonight! XD
Speaking of everything new and cool, don’t forget that What the Wooz?! has been postponed until tomorrow since today is New YearZ Eve! We’ll have a lot of pop culture to talk about to kick off the brand new year!! I’m so excited!
See you at 4PM WT tomorrow!

Weekend Eventz

WoozPaper Vol. 138

Happy Friday Woozens!
Woozens, don’t you just love the holidays?  We know we do!  What’s better than hanging out with your friends and family, full of Woozmas generosity and joy?  We’ve been loving the SantaWooz Adventurz, the Advent Calendar free gifts, and of course all the wonderfully wintery Display Eventz you created!  After an amazing week of Woozmas celebrations, we’ve got even more fun coming your way next week with the New Yearz Eve parties thrown by our favorite party-goers, Mya and JayWooz!  And don’t worry, even though school is starting again, the What the Wooz?! show, Jenny and Jay’s contests, Max’s Game Show, and Mya’s Late Night Show are sure to keep your spirits up ;)
We also want to remind all Woozens that bullying and any kind of inappropriate behavior (language, conduct, or Unitz) will not be tolerated in Woozworld.  If you aren’t clear on what’s expected of you, please read the Code of Conduct (link below).  Mods are here to make sure you can enjoy Woozworld safely and securely!  Please help them do their job by reporting inappropriate behavior (see the Help Center for more information).

Weekend Eventz

Saturday, December 29th at 1PM WT MyaWooz will host her Star of the Week Competition!  To enter the contest, dress in the Trendz 2013 Collection, meet Mya in her Fashion Show Unitz with your best Woozmas outfit, and walk that catwalk! Mya and three woozen judges will be there to score your looks.
Also on Saturday, at 7PM WT, JayWooz is ready to hear some end-of-the-world VIP Freestyles.  Write a 6-line poem or rap about anything having to do with the new year: the Mayan predictions, your hopes for 2013, or the awesome party you have planned!
On Sunday, December 30th at 2PM WT, JennyWooz will be hosting a wintery Polar Bear Dip.  Meet her in the Woozlympics: Swimming Unitz for a refeshing cold plunge!
Also on Sunday, at 6PM WT, MaxWooz wants to see if you VIPs know your geography beyond the North Pole!  He’s hosting a VIP Map Game to test your skillz.

Weekly Schedule

Jay and Jenny have been so impressed with all your creativity, they’re keeping their competitions going through the end of December and into January!
On alternating Tuesdays, Jay will post a theme for his Unitz Design Competition! You have a FULL week to submit the Unitz in his Unitz Design HQ. Jay will post the winners in a brand new Albumz the following Tuesday!
Every other week, Jenny will post a Video Challenge theme and rules on the Hot Topicz. You will then have until the following week to submit your video link (uploaded to YouTube) in the Woozworld News HQ. Jenny will go through all the entries and choose winners to be featured in a Hot Topicz!
**Reminder: no videos of Real Life, Woozworld only**
Schedule for December 31st – January 4th
When? What? When? Who?
Monday New Yearz Eve party! 1:00 PM WT JayWooz
Monday New Yearz Eve party! 7:00 PM WT MyaWooz
Tuesday Video Challenge (in Hot Topicz)
Tuesday What the Wooz?! 2:00 PM WT JennyWooz
Wednesday Max’s Game Show 7:30 PM WT MaxWooz
Friday Mya’s Late Night Show 7:30 PM WT MyaWooz

Articles from Woozens

Invasion of the Zombiz by kjgolfer
Many people have found the Unitz of the Invasion of the Zombiz. Many like it for creativity and some may like it as being adventurous. If there was anything like an invasion, who could stop it? Could it be YOU?!?! If so, how would you stop it?
I would gather as many people as I can and train them. When fully ready, we would go kick some zombie butt! If I needed to find people, I would look for strength, smarts, and hotness.
Happy New Year! by Silvia-Anna
Hey Woozens! Silvia here to give you all the info you need! Today, I’m going to talk about the new year! WOOHOO! Those Mayans were wrong about the world ending! ’Cause guess what? 2013 is coming!!! Oh yeah, it’s a new year for all of us. And what does a new year bring? New surprises! Rumor has it MyaWooz is already working on some clothes for the new year. And JayWooz is working on some new cool rhymes for Freestyle. What else is going on? You’ll have to wait for 2013!  Cya L8r, Silvia-Anna
Holiday Tips by ginnypotter123
Hi Woozens! Did you have a very merry Woozmas? Get everything on your list? Here’s some advice to survive the rest of the holidays:
-Have fun! Are you always in your room, kicking out your younger siblings? How about you go out and play with them?  Play Pirates with your brother, or dolls with your sister!
-Don’t go overboard on food!  Eat a little bit at a time, then go back! No tummy aches that way!
-Be cheerful!  If you’re not happy, no many people around you will be!
-Most important: be safe when you go outside, be careful not to slip on ice.  Drive carefully, the roads can become icy.
New Year’s Eve by CrystalJade
Heeeeey Woozens! This is CrystalJade, aka CJ, reporting for New Year’s! ‘O’
First of all, I would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to the Woozband, the WoozTeam, and the people who work for Woozworld, who help make this game very fascinating! This year has been AWESOME with the newest updates, meeting the baddies (AKA Zeena and Zack) and DUH, hello, tons of Aventurez, plus SANTA! =D
From me, I hope all the best for Woozworld next year, and hope to see the rest of you guys soon! Oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Writing off (probably the last time this year D’:)  CJ aka CrystalJade
Until next Friday Woozens!

Monday, December 24, 2012

New Item!

95 beex for this shirt (sorry its blurry) but better get it quick before its gone who knows it might be gone in a few days!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

First 3 winner of the swimming olympic

First round winner of the Swimming Olympic:
Second round winner of the swimming Olympic:
                                                Third round winner of swimming Olympic:

Monday, December 17, 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Calender Changing languages? O.O

Hey guys its Lovable, So I went to look through the "blog" in woozworld and found that jay wrote something in Spanish, looks like he changed up the language, its strange because we in the English section but they start to put up Spanish maybe for other fellows who know Spanish and English maybe?. Look for your self (Look underneath):


WoozChronique – Chapitre 33 // WoozCalendrier 17 au 21 Décembre

Yo les Woozens!

Woozens, on est en plein dans la plus belle saison de l’année ! C’est vraiment un moment que j’adore ! Et vous avez tous été d’un très grande aide concernant les cadeaux à emballer un peu partout dans Woozworld. On sentait vraiment l‘Esprit de NoëlZ. Continuez comme ça et tout devrait être arrangé pour le jour de NoëlZ…
Mais yo, il commence à faire trop froid au Pôle Nord ! Je ne sais pas comment font le PèreNoëlZ et les Gwomz pour y vivre toute l’année. D’ailleurs on est parti un peu au Sud ce weekend, histoire de prendre un peu de chaleur. Les longues et chaudes journées estivales me manque, mais l’hiver a aussi ses avantages – comme passer du temps devant la cheminée avec mes ami(e)s. Vous savez tous que je suis le Roi du BBQ, mais laissez moi vous dire que je commence a maîtriser sévère le “feu de bois” ! Appellez moi…Le Seigneur des Flammes ! LOL !!!!
Mais j’ai aussi dû laisser tout ça de côté parce que Mya a insité pour que je l’accompagne faire du shopping de NoëlZ. C’est vrai que j’ai pas mal de cadeaux à faire cette année, il y a beaucoup de gens géniaux dans ma vie ! Mais il y a avait du mooooonde dans les magasins, un truc de ouf !! Heureusement que Mya est une experte en shopping, son aide a été précieuse pour me guider parmi la foule. Je n’aurai jamais pu tout faire sans elle !
Et maintenant que mes cadeaux sont terminés, je peux aider les Gwomz à emballer le plus de cadeaux possible. Mais tout d’abord, je veux voir mes personnes préférés: oui, vous les Woozens ! Il y a “C’est Quoi Ce Wooz ?!” aujourd’hui et je vous y retrouverai pour parler Pop Culture ! Et en cette saison de fêtes, on aura plein de choses à se raconter !
Rendez vous à 1.00 PM WT (19h France) !
  • Lundi 17 Décembre: « C’est Quoi Ce Wooz ?! » dans le unitz « C’est Quoi Ce Wooz ?! »
  • Mardi 18 DécembreWoozDiscussion avec Jenny dans le unitz « WoozDiscussion» .
  • Mercredi 19 Décembre: Quizz avec Max dans le unitz « L’Avion des Questions» .
  • Jeudi 20 Décembre: Impro avec Jay au J-Wooz Café.
  • vendredi 21 Décembre: MyaShow avec Mya à la MyaWooz-TV.
Strange right? Well we'll see what will happen later.
Til next time ~Lovable

Jenny & Flakez!

JennyWooz + Flakez (Jenny's Penguin) =
Jenny And Flakez!
Flakez is such a cutie pie ^.^