Saturday, December 15, 2012

Weekend Event

Weekend Eventz

Saturday, December 15th at 1PM WT MyaWooz will host her Star of the Week Competition!  To enter the contest, dress in the Spirit of Woozmas. Meet Mya in her Fashion Show Unitz with your best Woozmas outfit, and walk that catwalk!
Also on Saturday, at 4PM WT, JayWooz will be coming back to Woozworld with VIP Freestyle. He’ll announce the theme Saturday morning, so be sure to check out Hot Topicz!
On Sunday, December 9th at 11AM WT, MaxWooz will be back in Woozworld to have a little chat with you Woozens. He’ll be there to talk to you about Buy from Anywhere, gift wrapping and more! Meet him in his Game Show Unitz to participate in the discussion!
Also on Sunday, at 4 PM WT, JennyWooz will be doing a Polar Bear Swim. This will be in the Woozlympics: Swimming Unitz (polar bears aren’t necessary)! ;)

Weekly Schedule

Jay and Jenny have been so impressed with all your creativity, they’re keeping their competitions going for the month of December!
On alternating Tuesdays, Jay will post a theme for his Unitz Design Competition! You have a FULL week to submit the Unitz in his Unitz Design HQ. Jay will post the winners in a brand new Albumz the following Tuesday!
Every other week, Jenny will post a Video Challenge theme and rules on the Hot Topicz. You will then have until the following week to submit your video link (uploaded to YouTube) in the Woozworld News HQ. Jenny will go through all the entries and choose winners to be featured in a Hot Topicz!
**Reminder: no videos of Real Life, Woozworld only**

Schedule for December 17th – 21st
When? What? When? Who?
Monday What the Wooz?! talk show 7:30 PM WT JayWooz
Tuesday Video Challenge (in Hot Topicz) JennyWooz
Wednesday Max’s Game Show 7:30 PM WT MaxWooz
Friday Mya’s Late Night Show 7:30 PM WT MyaWooz

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